Family Picnic
Inclusive Social Event for the Reading Community
Sunday 25th July 3 pm to 6 pm
King’s Meadow Park, Napier Road (near Tesco)
Do Come and Join us!
You can find us in the field behind the new pavilion at the far end of the car park. Look out for a gap in the fence! Its also near the children’s play area.
This event is free and for everyone.
Please bring your own food, drink, hand -sanitiser and any games you would like to share.
King’s Meadow is a short walk from Reading Station. There’s a pay and display car park and plenty of other public car parks close by.
The site is level and easy to access.

There is plenty of room to spread out so everyone can choose the social distance they feel most comfortable with and feel safe.
Reading Interfaith Group has some wonderful supporters. For reasons of health and safety, please can you avoid hugging and kissing them right now!
There are some large trees, and a covered area next to the pavilion for shelter if there are showers. It may however be helpful to bring something waterproof to sit on should the grass be wet.
There is a children’s play area. Children will need to be supervised by a responsible adult. Well behaved dogs on a lead are welcome
Reading Borough Council has kindly given us the use of a modern, clean, pavilion where there are public toilets, and handwashing facilities.
We are looking forward to meeting our Deputy Mayor Cllr. Rachel Eden at our picnic and very much appreciate her support.
Reading Interfaith Group would also like to thank Dan Cubbage from Reading Borough Council for helping us organise this event.
Contact: for more information